Many marketing strategies are used to grow and expand businesses online however, only one strategy stands out for its ability to engage, educate, and drive success quickly and efficiently. That strategy is information marketing.

Today we’re going to dive into the world of informational marketing to explain to you what it actually is and give you game-changing strategies to grow your business using the information marketing strategy.

Today’s key points

What Is Information Marketing?

What Is Information Marketing?

Information marketing, also known as info marketing, is a marketing strategy that involves creating and distributing valuable content, information, products, or services throughout different distribution channels.

Instead of selling physical products, information marketers focus on delivering valuable information to a target audience through digital platforms such as ebooks, blogs, or videos.

In simple terms, info marketing is about the ability to create and sell products that people deem valuable or important online.

Providing value to your audience as an info marketer is the key to a prospering info marketing business. Providing, and transferring value to your audience has to be done to increase their desire to purchase what you are selling. Your audience has to view you as an authority in your subject. They have to trust that you are very well knowledgable and can help them solve their problem.

This is why you must provide them value to show your experience and expertise in the topic. The more your audience trust what you saying the more likely they are to spend their money.

How To Use Information Marketing To Grow Your Business

What Is Information Marketing?

1. Prioritize Making Content 

In information marketing, content takes the throne. Whether it’s blog posts, videos, podcasts, or infographics, making content is essential to the growth of your business.

Whenever information marketers create material it must resonate, entertain, or inform their target audience. The content must be able to sustain and grab the attention of your target audience in order to push them down the funnel.

Treat your content as the bridge between you and your consumer. Producing content is the most important way you will communicate with your audience.

It is essential to know, only publish content that aligns with your brand and represents it properly. Making bad or inaccurate content may end up hurting your brand in the long run. In the world of info marketing quality of content trumps all.

All content isn’t good content.

When making content to promote your business know that their different types of content you can utilize to either connect with, sell to, or inform your audience. Today we’re going to cover the main two types of content, informational content and transactional content.

 Informational content is as it sounds it is meant to provide information on a topic or issue rather than to persuade you. Informational content is best used to inform a group of people and build topical authority in your niche.

On the other transactional content is meant to persuade or help a business meet specific revenue goals. Transactional content is mainly used to product push or gain commissions through different types of affiliate partnerships.

Informational Content Example

Imagine you are selling an e-book on ‘The best ways to get organic traffic to your website’. You then create YouTube videos and blog posts giving out digital marketing techniques to expand your reach on the internet. This is informational content and this piece will strengthen your credibility and build your topical authority.

Transactional Content Example

Imagine again you are selling an e-book on ‘The best ways to get organic traffic to your website’. You create a blog post and online videos to reccomend the best online SEO tools to use to boost organic traffic. This is transactional content and this also builds topical authority and is likley to drive affiliate commissions which will increase your overall revenue.

Understanding both informational content and transactional content is essential for info marketers as the ability to inform, persuade, and sell is key to driving sales to your business.

2. Solve Their Problem 

What Is Information Marketing?

Don’t just try to sell to them, fix their issue!

You have to solve the problem they are looking for or they will keep looking.

Successful information marketers address the challenges the audience faces and then offer solutions and valuable insights, to help resolve the problem. 

Understand all great businesses position themselves as problem-solvers in their industry. Take Amazon, for example, the problem was people were lazy, and the solution was to bring the products to their front door with only the click of a button.

When you can solve a problem that your audience has, it builds their trust and will make them more likely to purchase your product or service. It’s all about transferring value use what you know to guide them out of their situation.

You don’t want to only answer the questions that they are asking, answer the questions that they don’t know they have .

Let’s say you are selling an online driving course and you are writing an article on ‘How to get your driver’s license on the first try’, in this article you should include the age you have to be, the types of driver’s licenses available, and documents you might need to obtain your license.

You want to show off your topical knowledge every chance you get in order to drill in their minds that you know what you are talking about and that purchasing your product or service will make their lives easier.

3. Build Relationships Around You

What Is Information Marketing?

 Info marketing is not just about selling a product, it’s about building meaningful connections with your audience and other information marketers around you.  Building relationships with your audience is a crucial part of info marketing because you must have a strong recurring audience to not only establish trust, and credibility but also to sell your future and current products.

As said before producing content is the #1 way to communicate and build that long-term relationship you are looking for in your audience. Most of the time, information marketers build relationships through informative content and community outreach.

Different types of content can build different types of relationships. Content on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, or Snapchat can build more of a personalized connection with your audience and make them feel like they know you behind the brand you’ve built.

On the other hand informational content on platforms such as YouTube and Pinterest will make your audience view as you as more of an educator than a friend (depending on your tone & personality).

Knowing which content strategy to implement and connect with your audience will exponentially speed the process of building a loyal recurring audience.

How To Build Relationships With Other Information Marketers

Building relationships with other marketers is almost as important as building a relationship with your audience. Often times connections with information marketers can help your business grow just as much as your own audience can. Building relations can allow collaborations with other marketers on their platforms to broaden your reach and increase the credibility you already have.

Imagine if you are a new writer writing about the moon and stars, then out of nowhere NASA reaches out and links to your article on their page. This will cause an astronomical increase in credibility and clients in that topic. The same is true in marketing.

5 tips you can use to build relationships with people in your field
  • Ask For Feedback

Don’t be shy to ask other marketers in your field for honest feedback on your content. Make sure to thank them for their time and tell them why you chose to reach out to them. You want to boost their head and rub their ego a little bit it’ll make them more likely to take the extra step and read your content.

  • Send Personalized Emails

Sending outreach emails is an amazing way to connect with other marketers in your field. Outreach emails can be used in many ways not just to sell to someone. Contact other marketers in your area and ask questions, ask for feedback, and even to collaborate with their audience.

  • Offer Value

What do you have to offer? It is best to have some type of value to transfer even if you are just starting. Offer services such as acknowledgment on one of your platforms, or a guest blogging opportunity where you write or record a free post/video for them.

  • Be Genuine & Authentic

Be authentic. When you are reaching out be yourself don’t send a cookie-cutter email or text that is general that you can forward to any and everybody, be natural and make it personal.

  • Keep In touch

Don’t contact them once and then whenever you get what you need ghost them. Keep in contact to build strong relations in your field this will help your brand in more ways than you can ever know. You never know when the right email can ignite your business.

How To Succeed in Information Marketing

What Is Information Marketing?

1. Identify Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial. You have to understand their interests and the challenges they face.

 Knowing who your target audience is the first step to producing specific mass content. You have to know who is going to view it and what they are viewing for. Making content without having a designated audience or knowing how to appeal to your audience is a quick way to get your content lost in the algorithm. 

Making helpful content that surpasses the needs of your audience ensures that they resonate with your material and will make them more likely to hit the buy button.

Do you need help identifying your target audience?

Ask Yourself These 3  Questions When Choosing Your Target Audience

Who am I trying to help, entertain, or sell to?

Ask yourself who am I trying to help, sell to, or just frankly entertain. When you think of your business who do you envision being the recipient of it?

Who would benefit best from what I am doing?

People are SELFISH, people don’t care about what you are doing if it can’t directly benefit them. So how can you benefit them? Think hard about who could best benefit and grow from what you are trying to do, then target them.

Who are my competitors targeting in their marketing efforts?

Who are your competitors going after? 9/10 if a mass percent of your competitors are going after the same group they’re right. This does not mean only going after the audience your entrepreneur peers are going after however, use their marketing efforts as research to closely dial in more on the group you are looking for.

2. Create Valuable Content

What Is Information Marketing?

Remember what I said earlier? Content is key. Valuable content is the heart of every information marketer’s strategy. Content is how you can connect with your audience and let them know what you are doing and planning to do.

The entire goal of an info marketer is to create content that provides real value so that their audience will proceed forward and buy their product or service from them. Valuable content could be anything from educational articles, entertaining videos, or insightful podcasts however all forms of content are directly aimed at captivating the audience’s attention and providing value for them to take on in their lives.

Make sure your content is in touch and relatable to your target audience. This will increase the likelihood of your audience enjoying and sharing your content.

Here are 3 things to think about when it comes to making content for your audience
  • Make It Visual

Use some graphics, and make it visual. No one wants to read or listen to a spew of words thrown at them. Make it easy on the eye when you use visuals and effects oftentimes makes the idea you are trying to express even more evident.

  • Educate Them

Teach them something. Give your audience something actionable they can take away from your content to better themselves. Actually, try to help them instead of just always selling to them. Your audience is smart they’ll figure it out.

  • Use Conversational Tone

Your content is not the place to flex your stupendous vocabulary. Speak normally. Your education and insight on your topic will be evident from your ideas. Speak in a way that a 5th grader can understand it. Aim to make your content easy to understand and take into action.

3. Leverage Your Distribution Channels

Alright guys we’re about to get a little technical. You have to learn how to properly leverage your distribution channels.

When I say distribution channels I’m speaking of the platforms that you use to produce and distribute a variety of your content.

 This could include social media, email newsletters, blogs, or webinars, and anything that you use to keep in contact with your audience. The goal is to reach the right audience at the right time. When you diversify and increase your channels of communication you increase your reach and your chance of catching them at that ‘right time’.

Create a schedule for a time to post on all of your platforms. Use tools like Tailwind to automate your content marketing so you can more easily reach your intended audience with less work. This will give you more time to produce more high-value content.

Why Information Marketing Is Important

What Is Informational Marketing?

1. Establishing Authority

Information marketing is one of the most used strategies when it comes to establishing credibility in your field. Sharing valuable information positions a marketer as an authority in their industry.

 Whenever customers see a brand as knowledgeable, they are more likely to trust them and choose their products or services. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes would you buy from someone you don’t consider knowledgeable?

No, you wouldn’t so why would they?

Information Marketing is the best way to gain the trust of your audience because you are quite simply giving them free actionable steps they can that will immediately add value to their lives.

Establishing authority & credibility in your industry is essential in business. People want to know who is the best option available. That’s who they’re going to buy from. In order to position yourself as the best option for anything you need credibility and authority.

2. It’s One of The Only Free Marketing Strategies

What Is Information Marketing?

Compared to the cost of traditional advertising, information marketing is the most cost-efficient way to gain visibility. With traditional marketing, you might spend millions of dollars on commercials, advertisements, and billboards.

But on the other hand, Informational content often gets shared, expanding reach organically. Thus making this the cheapest option to grow your brand. It costs nothing to pick up your phone and press record. 

Think of new-age entrepreneurs such as rappers, and social media streamers. They are raking in millions of dollars through leveraging their content on multiple platforms . 

Information marketing paired with leveraging your online platforms can grow your business extremely quickly. The reason is that valuable content trumps all.

Envision social media as the new-age television, when you put your content out on these platforms people are attracted to your posts and videos as if they were a TV show. This causes them to scroll on your page taking them through your funnel which will increase your recurring audience.

Final Thoughts

Information marketing is the marketing wave of the future. It is an ingenious marketing strategy that goes far beyond traditional marketing tactics. Info marketing is about transferring value, creating conversations, and building relationships.

Through strategic planning, compelling storytelling, and leveraging various channels, we can create meaningful connections that drive sales and build long-term relationships with our audience. 

I hope I answered your question about what information marketing is, and gave you actionable steps you can take to use informational marketing to grow your business.

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