In the world of online business website traffic is gold.

The more users view your website the more eyes, and potential buyers you have for your products, services, or courses. Now we all know that social media has changed the marketing game, and whenever you speak of social media you have to mention the superstar platform of LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is the biggest professional networking platform ever created. Marketing yourself and your business on this gigantic platform will significantly increase the number of website views your site receives.

So, in this article, we’re going to deep dive into a step-by-step guide to building traffic using your LinkedIn account.

Getting Direct Website Traffic On LinkedIn is Important

Direct clicks to your website are more than just mere traffic views. This type of traffic represents genuine interest and engagement from your target audience.

 When users actively click on your hyperlinks posted on LinkedIn, they are showing a direct interest in your content.

 Direct clicks are a priority for businesses as they signify a higher level of engagement compared to passive clicks. 

Direct clicks also have a higher conversion rate than passive clicks because the users are searching with intent.

Improving your search engine optimization (SEO) and return on investment (ROI).

Why Brand Credibility Matters On LinkedIn

Building credibility is crucial in LinkedIn marketing.

 LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, where users expect to interact with credible, trustworthy individuals and businesses. Lacking credibility within your niche will slow down the expansion of your business and hurt your website traffic. 

 When establishing credibility on LinkedIn this not only enhances your brand’s reputation but also builds trust among your audience. 

When your LinkedIn content resonates with personality, information, and value, it will attract more direct clicks and engagement which boost your overall SEO.

How To Gain Website Traffic Directly From LinkedIn

1. Leverage LinkedIn By Resharing Your Previously Written Blog Post

How to build LinkedIn Website Traffic

As an expert in SEO, I understand the importance of growing traffic to your online business, especially on a major platform such as LinkedIn. 

Effectively using LinkedIn is a great strategy to gain attention and respect within your niche, and uploading your previously written work is the perfect way to leverage this beautiful platform. 

It brings light to new articles you have published, allowing all interested to access your content easily. Directing all potential leads and business partners directly to your website increasing your website traffic and brand awareness.

 By regularly publishing and sharing content on your LinkedIn you are earning credibility and authority within your niche. This strengthens the legitimacy of your business allowing you to reach a greater audience boosting your impressions and overall website traffic.

By consistently sharing valuable content and optimizing your LinkedIn account for tactical keywords, your business will grow because of the long-term website traffic you are generating through LinkedIn.

Take Action: Post 2 Blog Posts a Week on LinkedIn

Recommended Reading: How To Get Backlinks on Linkedin

2. Publish a Short Version of Your Articles To Hook Your Audience

Optimizing your LinkedIn account to drive website traffic requires a sneaky approach, and do you know what’s really sneaky, short-form content.

 Short-form content, such as LinkedIn articles, business updates, and stories, create excellent opportunity to manipulate your audience and direct them to your website.

These bite-sized pieces of content act as teasers, enticing your audience to explore deeper on your website.

 Within your short-form content, place strategic links to relevant articles or landing pages on your website. This will encourage users to click through and further explore your content offerings. Increasing traffic to every piece of content on your entire site.

However, before you post that perfect piece of content don’t forget to leverage those hashtags. Implementing a hashtag strategy such as tagging relevant industry influencers in all of your posts will significantly expand your reach and will direct you to the target audience you are looking for.

Take Action: Write 3 pieces of short-form content for every 1 blog post.

Recommended Reading: How To Get Website Views Using LinkedIn

3. Run LinkedIn Ads To Increase Your Reach

When speaking on LinkedIn SEO it would be foolish not to mention the use of LinkedIn ads. Leveraging LinkedIn ads is a great strategy for driving intentional website traffic. LinkedIn Ads can allow you to reach your ideal audience at will.

Your sponsored content will seamlessly blend into your target audience algorithm and LinkedIn feeds, offering valuable resources and driving traffic directly to your website. 

And ads aren’t just for expanding your reach, tools like Sponsored InMail campaigns allow you to deliver a personalized message directly to your target’s inboxes, and invite them to engage with your content. 

Now here’s the important part.

Analyze your ad performance.

Analyzing your ad performance is a crucial part of running ads on Linkedin. This allows you to progressively improve your overall ad optimization and increasingly grow  your reach on the platform

By investing in LinkedIn ads strategically and optimizing your ad with relevant keywords, you are attracting high-quality website traffic and improving your overall search engine rankings.

Take Action: Publish at least 1 LinkedIn Ad Per Month

Recommended Reading: How to Advertise on LinkedIn in 6 Simple Steps | LinkedIn Ads

How To Build Credibility On LinkedIn

1. Participate in LinkedIn Groups To Connect With Those In Your Niche

Grow your LinkedIn website traffic

 Participating in LinkedIn groups is a must-have strategy if you want to build overall trust and credibility to improve your website traffic.

Joining groups relevant to your industry allows you to connect with other like-minded specialists. These same connections can exponentially boost your credibility by viewing, sharing, or even linking to your content improving your overall SEO.

Whenever you engage with others in your Linkedin Groups be sure to offer helpful advice, actionable steps, and personalized insights to establish yourself within your industry.  

Every time you connect with new people within your niche you are expanding your reach and brand credibility as your name is now being attached to your new connect and their entire network.

In groups, comment on topics that are related to valuable content you have already published. In the comment link to your website for those who are seeking to learn more on the topic.

Lastly, whenever you are in LinkedIn groups remember to be professional and do not spam random content, or overfocus on self-promotion. This will negatively impact your reputation and hurt your credibility.

Take Action: Join & Participate in 2 New LinkedIn Groups Per Week

Recommended Reading: LinkedIn Groups: How to Create, Join, or Manage Them

2. Optimize Your Account and Showcase Your Personality

You must showcase your personality and intentionally optimize your account for niche-related keywords to drive traffic to your website.

To optimize your LinkedIn account include niche-relevant keywords in your bio. Make sure to add personality to your content to personalize your account and stand out. When fully optimizing your LinkedIn account, add information about your expertise, experience, and achievements to appear more credible within your niche. 

Also, use a professional personalized profile picture and headline to linger in the mind and draw immediate attention at first glance.

Customizing your LinkedIn URL to include your name or niche-relevant keywords, will improve your LinkedIn visibility. Customizing your LinkedIn URL also allows readers to gauge what your content/ account is about before continuing which will lower your bounce rate as users know what they’re clicking on.

By optimizing your account and showcasing your personality, you establish credibility with your audience and attract more visitors to your website.

Remember your target audience will relate to the personality of you and your business before your actual business. People relate to people. Businesses relate to businesses.

Take Action: Update your bio and make sure to include niche-related keywords

Recommended Reading: How to Boost The Credibility of Your LinkedIn Profile

3. Participate In & Host Linkedin Live Events

Participating in LinkedIn Events is another effective strategy for building credibility and driving website traffic.

 Similar to groups live events allow you to connect with others in your niche. When participating in these events use the discussion tab to share related resources and links to your content.

By actively participating in LinkedIn Events and sharing valuable content, you enhance your credibility and attract more website traffic because you are reaching more people on LinkedIn.

Host LinkedIn Live Events

Hosting LinkedIn Live Events is extremely beneficial as it allows you to connect with your audience in real-time. Broadcasting your important notes, philosophies, and resources will improve your overall credibility and will allow potential consumers to connect directly with your personality.

LinkedIn Live Events can be used to share valuable insights, host Q&A sessions, or conduct interviews with high-authority influencers in your niche.

 As you consistently host events in your niche, you become a familiar face and name within your industry, making it easier for viewers to trust and engage with your content. 

When recording a LinkedIn Live promote your event across your LinkedIn network and your other social media platforms to attract a larger audience and drive more traffic to your website. Encourage viewers to visit your website for more information, and resources, or to sign up for future events. 

With these tactics, you are progressively increasing your trust and credibility within the industry.

Take Action: Participate in or Host 1 event per month.

Recommended Reading: How to Use LinkedIn Live: The Complete Guide for Marketers

Final thoughts 

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools for driving consistent website traffic.

The business connections you can make on this platform are simply unprecedented. However, you must have a sharp strategy in place if you want to grow website traffic using LinkedIn.

You must set opportunities that allow others to easily visit your website and at the same time build trust and credibility which is a very necessary factor in growing a business online. 

Thanks for reading, LeAnthony out.