Attending college in Tallahassee Florida can be tricky. As a college student living in the city of Tallahassee, there are a lot of unwritten rules that you must learn and adhere to if you want to stay focused and graduate with your degree. This city can be super fun or it can be super stressful. Lucky for you, your college experience solely depends on the lifestyle you decide to live.

In this city known by many as CollegeTown and PartyCity please know that the party scene is very much alive and active. However, you must be careful as you can become consumed in the lights most often drown in them.

In this article, I am going to give you 5 valuable tips that I’ve learned from my experience of living in Tallahassee as a full-time college student. 

The 5 Tips To Survive College In Tallahassee

Attending College In Tallahassee

1. Remember Why You Came To Tallahassee (Stay Focused)

You came to Tallahassee, FL to attend college. Whether you attend a community college or a major university The main objective you should have is to graduate college on time and move on to the next chapter in your life.

Many young adults come here and lose focus on what drove them here in the first place. With nonstop parties, festivals, and activities it can be hard for a new resident to maintain focus and keep a healthy balance between the excitement and the work. 

College is already one of the most stressful times in your life. This newfound stress can cause many individuals to search for an outlet to release this stress they’re not used to feeling and for most students parties will be the perfect source of release.

Use These 4 Basic Philosophies To Maintain Focus In Tallahassee

  1. Reduce Unnecessary Distractions

  1. Have a Clear End Goal in Mind

  1. Take Care of Your Health

  1. Learn Time Management Skills

Keep these four philosophies in mind with everything you do. Allow these laws to dictate every decision you make.

 This will give you the best chance for success and will put you ahead of the majority

Recommended Reading: Tips on how to stay focused during high school or college

2. Connect With The People Around You

      Learn to network. The city of Tallahassee is perfect for networking

Students come here with the sole intention of finding new and powerful connections to strengthen their network in hopes of building life-long relationships. At all times you must remember there are plenty of connections and money to be made here. 

Now I’m not here to sell to you. Networking can be hard if you allow it to be. However, here in Tallahassee, there are multiple ways of meeting and connecting with new people. 

Here are just a few ways to network with other students in Tallahassee

  •  Look up local networking meetings on social gathering websites like Eventbrite.

Eventbrite is the perfect place to find like-minded people who are looking to achieve a similar goal. Eventbrite is home to a bunch of groups and meetings that you can attend to build your network in the city of Tallahassee Florida. 

  • Find out what clubs and groups your particular college offers.

College groups are the ideal way to build connections in college no matter which out of the three main colleges you attend in Tallahassee, you will have a multitude of clubs to choose from to connect you with your peers.

  • Go outside, you can’t meet anyone inside.

Go outside. Walk around. Get out of your dorm room you can’t meet people from your bed.  Interact with those around you, you never know what they know.

Networking will open doors for you that just your accomplishments won’t be able to.

 You must take your future into your own hands and actively put yourself out there to meet and connect with the world around you.

Recommended Reading: 8 tips to help college students start networking

3. Take A Break From The Grind and Have Some Fun

Living In Tallahassee as a college Student

We don’t call Tallahassee PartyCity for no reason. Tallahassee is lit!

. College in itself can be a very stressful time in your young adult life. Many students have not been under this amount of stress before in their entire lives. 

So go have fun and enjoy yourself. However, you can’t talk about Tallahassee fun without talking about its nightlife. 

In Tallahassee, I can honestly say we have one of the most active party scenes e in the U.S . From places like PotBelly’s, Bajas, The Moon, to Tenn there is something to do every night. 

 Matter of fact the party life is so electric it can become a distraction if you don’t balance it. The free use of paraphernalia such as alcohol and drugs will make any outgoing party person fall in love. Yet, there are still ways to have fun if you aren’t into the party scene.

Having fun in Tallahassee is more than just attending parties. There are amazing scenic views here in the city for those who prefer a quieter environment such as myself

Scenic Places To Visit In Tallahassee

Tallahassee is a great city with a lot of fun things to offer. Balancing the heavy workload of attending college in Tallahassee is crucial to staying focused and having an enjoyable time in the capital.

Recommended Reading: THE 10 BEST Tallahassee Fun Activities & Games

4. Learn Finacial Literacy & Marketing

Now let’s talk money.

This is not just a tip for Tallahassee students, this is for every young adult in America. Now is the perfect time to take control of your finances and understand the most two important keys to being successful in the modern age, financial literacy & marketing.

First off, as young adults, we must have a great understanding of financial literacy. This time is the perfect time to isolate yourself and work on building financial freedom. 

A perfect way to learn about financial freedom in college is to research one topic or question daily. This will allow you to gain accumulated knowledge every day on the topic.

Another way to educate yourself on finances is to schedule time out of your schedule to research subjects like stocks, accounting, and economics these three basic concepts will leave you more financially educated than 90% of America.

Now in regards to learning marketing, it truly is a must. In today’s day and age, we are switching heavily from a physical world to a digital world. The ability to market yourself online to future employers, or business partners is a skill that you must learn or you will be left behind.

Marketing is the ability to successfully promote yourself or your business in order to sell yourself or the product. This is a skill that you must learn if you want to set yourself up for a successful future.  

Learn how to sell yourself and you will how your time in Tallahassee and in the rest of your life becomes easier.
Recommended Reading: What Is Information Marketing

5. Get In Shape Mentally & Physically

How To Stay In Shape In College Tallahassee

The last unwritten law for attending college in Tallahassee is to stay in shape, mentally and physically.

I’ve said this a thousand times college can get chaotic and stressful. One of the most important tactics for preventing stress is to stay in great mental and physical shape. Establishing this discipline in your life will benefit you greatly significantly boost your self-confidence and keep you focused on the task at hand, graduating.

Let’s start with the mind. One of the most important things in college is prioritizing your mental health. Having an over-stimulated mind will make it very hard to complete the constant assignments and implement any of the rules of college you have learned. 

So remember achieving and maintaining a strong and peaceful mind should be mission #1. 

However, you need a little bit more than mental strength to survive college in Tallahassee. You have to get and stay in physical shape.

When you are physically strong you have a stronger sense of self-identity and self-worth. Being physically fit is essential for surviving as a college student in Tallahassee because honestly you just don’t know what’s going to happen, and you must be ready for anything.

So, if you’re looking for ways to stay in great mental and physical shape look no further than your campus. Every college campus in Tallahassee is home to a free student-only gym and library. Visit and contact your school to see all the free amenities they have to offer to keep you focused and ready for anything.

Do You Think You Have What It Takes to Survive College In Tallahassee Florida?

Attending college in Tallahassee can be very challenging from all of the newly added stress and pressure. As a second-year accounting major trust me the pressure is real. But there is hope. Following these unwritten rules that many don’t know until they are in Tallahassee makes it extremely easy to stay focused and have a great time in the city.

I hope you learned the truth about Tallahassee and are ready to make a game plan for success! 
Until next time LeAnthony, out.