Are you on the hunt looking for new ways to consistently get more backlinks to your website? If that’s you then congratulations you can stop your search. I am going to show you how to find backlink opportunities on LinkedIn in 5 easy steps.

LinkedIn is the largest professional social media platform in the world. With over 900 million global users in 2024. With LinkedIn’s astronomical rise to fame, it has quickly become the go-to social platform for networking and building professional connections.

This makes this platform perfect for connecting with other high-ranking bloggers who can link to you to strengthen the credibility of your website. So buckle up and get ready for a course on LinkedIn marketing.

Backlinks are internal hyperlinks that link from one website to another. Backlinks are one of the most important ways Google ranks and sorts content on its platform. 

Did you know earning backlinks on LinkedIn can earn you money?

When a website has high-quality backlinks Google views this website as an authority in their industry and believes its content to be helpful and accurate. This trust significantly boosts their ranking placement allowing their website to appear higher in Google searches which in turn brings more revenue to their business.

How To Earn Backlinks on LinkedIn

As said before when it comes to increasing the amount of clicks you get on your webpage, backlinks stand alone. Generating high-quality backlinks is a surefire way to gain the trust of Google and other influencers in your niche.

But enough chit-chat let’s get down to the reason you clicked this article. Here are 5 actionable steps you can take to earn backlinks on Linkedin.

1. Make Connections To Increase Credibility In Your Industry

How To Earn Backlinks on LinkedIn

Making connections is a must-have if you plan on earning backlinks on LinkedIn. Building prime connections with other professionals in your niche allows you to integrate yourself within the industry and build trust and credibility as a credible source.

When connecting with other professionals in your industry make sure your connection is genuine. You do not want to send every person you see the same spam message asking for links on clicks. This will make you appear as spam and this reputation will stick on you as you try to grow in your industry.

Unlike other websites that promise you that following these steps will ensure you backlinks on Linkedin, I’m here to tell you the truth.

 As a beginner making honest connections on LinkedIn will take time and effort. Starting you do not have any leverage or credibility in your industry, and honestly, most people will be wary of working with you.

So, here are the battle-tested ways that I implemented to connect with those in my industry.

5 Ways to Make Connections on Linkedin (For Beginners)

  • Optimize Your Profile

You have to optimize your account to be searchable for those who are looking to connect with people like you. Use keywords in your profile bio, and recent posts to attract and hook those who are interested in working with you and those who are just not sure yet.

  • Reach Out

If you’re new to LinkedIn you have to reach out to those in your niche/industry. As a beginner people don’t know you exist yet. Send follow & connections request to as many industry-related people as you can once you have a good list of connections in your niche, start filtering for quality as many of them are likely to be spam (trust me I know).

  • Connect with Alumni

This is a sneaky trick that I used to initially build a base of connections and contacts on my list. Linking with connections from either a previous school or college you attended. Most contacts will be more likely to accept your request and connect with you as you both have a common life experience (ie: college).

  • Send Follow-Up Messages

I know you may think that this is “below you” but welcome to the world of business you have to send follow-up messages to those that you have reached out to that have not gotten back to you. BUT DO NOT SPAM!  Most times when you reach out to someone and they do not get back to you oftentimes they just did not see your message. So reach out ONCE to attempt to connect with them. If they do not respond again chances are they’re not interested.

Be Consistent

This is the hardest part, keep going. Keep your spirits high and stay consistent. Give them time to get to know who you are and what you are about. Stay consistent and you are sure to break through.

Recommended Reading: How To Network On Linkedin

2. Create and Share Visual Content 

Backlinks On Linkedin

Look at every social media platform in the world you will see visual content is taking over the game. Take Instagram for example, they have transformed their entire platform from primarily square posts to short-form videos in under a year.

So what does this have to do with LinkedIn?

Well, a lot. Proper short-form visual content makes your ideas seem more credible and will relay your idea more clearly as it is easier to track the thoughts and points you are making.

Short-form visual content can be utilized in mainly two ways Passively & Aggressively.

The passive way to utilize short-form content is to use it to teach “unrelated” topics within your industry. 

Unrelated” topics are subjects that are important to know in your niche but is not directly covered by you via an article or a video.

This is referred to as passive because you are not making the content with the intent to receive a link to an article instead you are making the content to build credibility & awareness in your industry. 

Building credibility in your industry will often lead to passively receiving links from individuals you have not reached out to because they like and trust your content. 

The second way to use short-form content is aggressively.

 The aggressive way of using short-form content is to make videos on topics you have already covered. Done properly your content should inform and entertain your audience intriguing them and increasing the likelihood of your link getting clicked as the target aims to learn more about the topic.

Remember when creating and publishing any content on your LinkedIn, your content MUST BE VALUABLE. Creating and posting inaccurate will hurt your brand and reputation. When it comes to content quality > quantity.

Recommended Reading: How to Make Short-Form Videos That Stand Out

3. Join and Participate in LinkedIn Groups

Participate and make yourself known. If you can’t tell by now brand awareness and credibility are two of the most important concepts when acquiring backlinks on LinkedIn.

Offer your insights in the group polls and discussions. Ask questions about comments your professional peers have made. The most important thing is to get your name and your ideas out there.

Groups and discussions are a great way to get organic connections while establishing credibility in your industry.

Whenever you are participating in the group’s discussions make sure to add value to the discussion or conversation. Earn your respect in the industry before asking for backlinks. This a mistake that I made at the early start of my business, it won’t do you very well because people simply don’t know you or trust you.

When attempting to earn backlinks think of the multiple ways you can earn credibility and respect in your industry. The more respect and credibility you receive the more doors will open.

Recommended Reading: LinkedIn Groups: How to Create, Join, or Manage Them

4. Share Informative Blog Posts and Previously Written Guest Posts

how to find backlink opportunities on LinkedIn

Posting your content that you have already written is a great way to earn backlinks on LinkedIn.

Posting in-depth articles that cover interesting and informative topics is a great way to show that you are an authority and are factually reliable in your industry. However, it is very important only to post valuable content when uploading anything onto LinkedIn.

Uploading inaccurate and misguiding content will hurt your credibility and reputation in turn decreasing the chances of you earning backlinks on LinkedIn. Remember when it comes to creating content quality outweighs quantity.

A great way to know if you posted high-quality content is to check the engagement you are receiving. Likes, comments, reposts, and sends are the metrics that LinkedIn & other users use to evaluate how well a post is being received. 

Engagement is a very important factor on LinkedIn because the more likes, comments, and other positive signals a post receives, the more other people in your industry will flock to the post out of curiosity.

Knowing how to manage and regulate engagement is a must-have skill that many people sadly can’t understand. So here are a few tips to help you increase the engagement your post receives.

4 Ways To Boost Engagement On Your LinkedIn Post

  • Engage with Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is SUPER important. Answer any questions they have or just simply respond to comments they make. Engaging with your audience puts your personality out there and will help you make authentic connections which will lead to nacklink opportunities.

  • Write Engaging Headlines

You have to hook them. Writing engaging and interesting headlines is part of the blogging business and it is no different on Linkedin. Hook your audience in your title and your first paragraph to increase social feedback and extend the time your users visit on your page.

  • Utilize LinkedIn Polls

This is a tactic that I see used so many times on LinkedIn that I honestly get sick of it. But hey they work! LinkedIn polls are a tremendous way to increase engagement on your posts because many times other influencers in your niche will conversate and debate with each other in the comments, now your article is a hotbed of conversation.

  • Create Compelling Content

All in all, you can try all these techniques and tactics to boost engagement on Linkedin but it all be worthless if your content is inadequate. Creating great content is the best way to improve engagement on your post. So first above all focus on writing great content.

Recommended Reading: 7 Ways To Earn Backlinks on LinkedIn

5. Utilize LinkedIn Ads To Boost Brand Visibility

How To Get backlinks on LinkedIn on Linked Marketing

Creating LinkedIn ads are very sneaky way to put a spotlight on you and your content. Advertisements allow you to target a large group of individuals at one time. 

With valuable content, this could turn into a massive amount of page views and secure you high-quality backlinks which will boost the overall authority of your website allow you to rank easily, and gain more money per post.

However, as with everything else you must know how to correctly and successfully run a LinkedIn ad. An incorrectly run social media ad only puts a bad look and reputation on your brand which in turn hurts your credibility and may stunt your future growth. 

Recommended Reading: The Complete Guide to LinkedIn Ads in 2024

Final Thoughts

Earning backlinks on LinkedIn can be challenging, especially for a beginner. Starting with virtually no brand recognition or credibility and asking for backlinks can feel like a waste of time. Trust me I was there…

However, once your brand earns respect and gains more visibility doors will open for you. Making connections with those around you, Creating fun informational short-form content, Posting the previous work you have already written on LinkedIn, Joining & participating in professional groups, and Implementing LinkedIn advertisements are great ways to establish yourself and get your brand known in your industry.

Author: LeAnthony Stephens